Select the theme and colours to suit your club and ProVote will supply a completed ready made presentation and put you in full control. Simple mouse click operation and the ability to show a progressive Leader-board at any round.
A simple spreadsheet of your data is all that is required... ProVote does the rest.
Animations, Slide Transitions, Vote and Running Total calculations, Leader-Boards at every round and more.
At less than $150 a ProVote Sport Presentation is within the reach of even the smallest grass roots sporting clubs. Include round sponsors and ProVote could even be a fundraiser for your club. So ditch the Whiteboard and do it like the Pro's
There’s MORE
workout day or night
The right trainer for you
The right trainer for you
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit alor amet, cotns ekolor adip iscing elit Nulla molestie convallis convallis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit alor amet, cotns ekolor adip iscing elit Nulla molestie convallis convallis.